What Do I Do If I Miss My ASC Biometrics Appointment?

If you are applying to obtain a U.S. immigration benefit and reside in the United States, there is a possibility that you will need to attend a biometrics appointment at a local Application Support Center (ASC). A biometrics appointment is required for several types of immigration applications which include:

  • Naturalization
  • Lawful Permanent Residence
  • Adjustment of Status
  • Asylum and many more

The day of the ASC appointment, the applicant will provide fingerprints, photos and maybe even a signature to the immigration department U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Without such information an immigration application may not be able to proceed as USCIS will need to orchestrate security checks, produce identity documentation and much more.

But what happens if an applicant never receives a notification for a biometrics appointment or completely misses one for some reason outside his or her control?

When applying for an immigration benefit one must pay keen attention to the processing of their immigration application, appointment dates, and the steps that can be taken to obtain a new biometrics appointment. It is important to get your application back on track quickly, if an appointment was missed.

Outcome of Overlooking An ASC Biometrics Appointment

Failure to attend a scheduled biometrics appointment may result in major delays of an immigration application. USCIS may even think that an applicant has abandoned or neglected their application. This could be true even if the biometrics appointment letter was never received by the applicant.

Once an application has been considered abandoned or rejected the only option is to resubmit the immigration application, granted the applicant is still eligible.

Anticipated Timeframe To Wait for An ASC Biometrics Appointment Notice

It is expected for USCIS to issue biometrics notices within three to eight weeks of receiving an immigration application. However, USCIS processing times have not been the same since the unfolding of Covid-19. Between office closures and limitations on access, delayed wait times to receive biometrics letters and notices are quite regular.

Note that wait times are also dependent on the different application types and locations they were filed since some USCIS offices might be backlogged more than others especially in more populated areas in the U.S.

Ultimately, applicants must anticipate waiting for several weeks if not months to attend a biometrics appointment. Talk with your nearest immigration attorney to know more about the wait times.

Follow Up With USCIS If You Never Got a Biometrics Notice

In most cases many applicants never receive a biometrics notice from USCIS within three months simply due to USCIS having the wrong address. You can always contact USCIS to have them mail you a biometrics notice and if you are not getting any correspondence you can always have an immigration lawyer help you.

Just in case you received an application receipt notice but did not receive a biometrics notice it is clear that USCIS has the correct mailing address. The biometrics notice may have gotten lost in the mail. Again, USCIS can be contacted by requesting a new appointment date but be sure to provide an explanation of what happened.

Chances are that not receiving a biometrics notice could also mean that USCIS already has your biometric information on the system. For example, if you renewed a U.S. green card previously and then you later on filed for citizenship through naturalization.

What Happens If You Received a Biometrics Notice But Missed the ASC Appointment

Did you receive a biometrics notice from USCIS but missed the biometrics appointment at the ASC for being ill or due to some family emergency? In such instances ensure to contact USCIS and provide a convincing explanation that would substantiate your claim as to why you missed the ASC appointment. USCIS does not take it lightly when someone misses their appointments.

See An Immigration Attorney

Missing your ASC biometric appointment can affect the application process significantly. If you are unsure on what to do if you missed your fingerprinting appointment because the notice got lost or you never received one visit your local attorney. Gambacorta Law Office can be contacted at 847 443 9303. Our team will be happy to answer any questions pertaining to your missed ASC biometrics appointment.